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On routes Astana-Semey, Aktobe-Almaty and Almaty-Shymkent women's cars were added

Previously, women's carriages ran on 8 routes, now their number has been increased to 11:

No. 354/353 Astana - Semey;

No. 24/23 Aktobe - Almaty;

No. 25/26 Almaty - Shymkent;

No. 77/78 Almaty - Mangystau;

No. 351/352 Almaty - Oskemen;

No. 45/46 Pavlodar - Turkestan;

No. 37/38 Mangystau - Semey;

No. 47/48 Atyrau - Astana;

No. 33/34 Aktobe - Almaty-1;

No. 4/3 Astana - Almaty-2;

No. 71/72 Astana - Shymkent.

Only women work as conductors in women's carriages. The cost of tickets does not differ from the standard ones, but they are sold exclusively to women. Nevertheless, boys up to 7 years old can travel with them.

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