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Kazakhstan wants to create an institute of transport and logistics

Kazakhstan plans to create JSC "Kazakhstan Institute of Transport and Logistics". This is stated in the draft government decree posted on the Open NPAs portal. The document was developed by the Ministry of Transport and will be publicly discussed until May 24, 2024.

The Institute is planned to be created "to promote the sustainable development of the transport industry and provide government incentives for activities in the field of transport and logistics."

It is assumed that the institute will be established with one hundred percent state participation in the authorized capital. The state package of shares of the organization will be transferred to the Ministry of Transport. "To form the authorized capital of the institute, it is planned to allocate 184 million 600 thousand tenge to the Ministry of Transport from the government reserve provided for in the republican budget for 2024," the draft resolution clarifies.

It is noted that the Kazakhstan Institute of Transport and Logistics is planned to be created by analogy with existing development institutions in the sectors
of economy, industry, agriculture, oil and gas and subsoil use to provide the country's transport and logistics complex
with highly qualified and adapted to technological realities specialists, as well as for the prompt and high-quality implementation of projects for the digital transformation of this industry.

It is planned to implement an intelligent transport system that unites all information systems in the field of transport and roads, ensure their smooth operation and automate and develop the necessary digital solutions in the near future

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